K777 SLG

Thank you for choosing to purchase (K777 SLG). In order to protect our clients from credit card fraud we will only take 20% of the total payment or £5,000 (whichever is the least). Once you have paid this initial deposit, we will contact you for payment of the remaining outstanding balance.

Thank you for using Plate Hunter.

You are required by law to display 'K777 SLG' correctly and have number plates supplied by a DVLA registered manufacturer. As part of our service Platehunter will supply the required number plates at highly competitive prices, saving you the time and trouble of getting them from a third party supplier

Do you require a set of number plates?
How would you like us to supply your registration?
Registration Price: £574.00
DVLA Transfer Fee: £80.00
Postage: £3.50
Total Amount: £ 657.50
20% Deposit To Secure Today: £ 131.50
✓ Eligibility check successful
Instalment plans available. Credit subject to status.
Learn more

Choose payment or finance option:

You have chosen Select Card Type

Name of the Registered Keeper of the vehicle that K777 SLG is to be transferred to. This must be entered exactly as it appears.
If it is entered incorrect then there will be an additional charge to change it later.

Cardholders Details

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Enter Manually


A vehicle cannot be made to appear younger using a registration mark. that you purchase. It can be held on retention for as long as you want. Example: You can't put an '07' registration number onto a 2003 registered vehicle.

This private number plate can only be assigned to a vehicle that was registered on or after 1 August 1992.

On selecting continue, you will be directed to WorldPay to process your payment.

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