Prefix Number Plates

Prefix Number Plates


Prefix number plates are a style of plate that has been used since 1983 when suffix-style registrations were in short supply. This style of plate is able to create some of the most desirable number plates; all of which are available at amazing prices when you buy with Platehunter!

Because you are not permitted to use a reg plate that makes a vehicle appear newer than it actually is, these prefix number plates cannot be used on cars that were registered before August 1983.

Prefix Registration Plates Style

The number plate prefix style consists of one letter that is used to show where the vehicle was registered, and the yearly letter was updated every August. When more vehicles were being registered and there was a higher demand, the year identifier was changed to bi-yearly.  However, the letters I, O, Q and Z were never used.

These car registration prefix plates are made with the year-identifying letter, up to 3 numbers and followed by 3 random letters.

Recognisable Words and Phrases

Because these number plate prefix style car accessories have such a huge variety of different combinations to choose from, it is easy to make numbers, words and phrases that can express your interests and personality.

The value of these prefix number plates can vary in price dramatically. The cost of this style of plate is dependent on the desirability of it; if many people are looking to purchase it (or the plate itself spells popular words and phrases), you should probably expect to be paying a bit more for it. However, our price match promise means that we guarantee you’ll pay the best price!

Names like J4 SON, S4 MMY and L4 URA are just a handful of names that can be created with our prefix number plates – we’re sure you’ll find the perfect fit for your vehicle!