The Reg Transfers process is easy, but can be daunting if you've never done it before.
The team here at Platehunter are specialists in number plates and although it may sound confusing, our handy guide on the reg transfers process makes it simple!
Read on to find out about the procedures involved with assigning, transferring and retaining a number plate.
Buying a personalised registration means that you’re buying the right to assign the number to a vehicle. Although the process of a DVLA reg plate transfer may sound confusing, it’s not!
The personalised number plate can be registered onto a vehicle in your name or in the name of someone else, known as the ‘nominee’.
You can transfer your registration:
- from your vehicle to another one in your name
- to a vehicle you're buying
- to someone else's vehicle
Applying to transfer your number plate requires help from DVLA. However, there are a few requirements that you need in order to send off your application. These include:
- Both the new and old vehicles must be registered with DVLA.
- Both vehicles must be available for inspection
- ​Both vehicles should be of a type that needs an MOT (motorbikes, cars, etc)
- Vehicles made before 1960 require a valid MOT to complete the regtransfer process
- The plate starts with a 'Q' or 'NIQ' for Northern Ireland registered vehicles
- The plate is being transferred to make the vehicle look younger. The dates on a number plate must coincide with the time the vehicle was made.
A V317 form is a combined application for retaining or transferring a number plate. It now replaces the older system of V778/1 forms which could get long and complicated, so we definitely prefer the newer process!
If the number plate is being transferred to someone else's vehicle, both registered keepers must complete the application.
Click here to download the application to retain or transfer a vehicle registration number (V317 form).
In your application, you should also
- The plate transfer fee of £80 (can be paid by cheque or postal order)
- An MOT test certificate (if applicable) for each vehicle
- The registration certificate or the new keeper supplement with a completed V62 'application for a vehicle registration certificate V5C' for each vehicle. Click here to download the application form for a vehicle registration certificate (V5C - V62)
When transferring a DVLA number plate, all vehicles should be currently taxed. However, if the vehicle with the registration number is not taxed, you can still apply as long as:
- the tax disc has run out in the last 12 months
- there's no break between the date the tax disc runs out and the start of the SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification)
If either vehicle needs taxing, you will also need to enclose the following in your reg transfer application:
- a completed V10 'application for a tax disc' (click here to download the V10 form)
- a certificate of insurance or valid cover for the vehicle
- the correct vehicle tax fee
If the reg plate that you purchase isn’t going to be used by yourself, you are able to assign somebody else as a nominee to use the plate.
You can add a nominee when assigning the registration number by completing section 2 of the V750 or V778. It is free to add a nominee name when completing the DVLA plate transfer process so there’s no need to worry about extra charges!
Click here to download the application to retain or transfer a vehicle registration number (V317 form).
If you don't assign your number to a vehicle and the certificate of entitlement is about to run out, you will receive a reminder from us. You can renew this entitlement for up to 10 years; otherwise you will lose the right to assign the number plate to your vehicle.
Here are some costs that you may need to consider when transferring a number plate:
- Renew your V750/V778 certificate FREE
- Add or change nominee FREE
- Change details or replace lost/ stolen certificate £25
If you have bought a personalised number plate, you'll need to apply to DVLA to assign it to a vehicle. This reg plate can be used on a vehicle that is registered or about to be registered, taxed and used in Great Britain.
In order to assign the number plate to a car or vehicle, you will need the following:
- The V750 certificate of entitlement or the V778 retention document signed by the person named on the top of the certificate
- The log book (V5C) or the new keeper supplement with a completed V62 'application for a vehicle registration certificate V5C' form
- An MOT test certificate for vehicles over 3 years old (1 year for heavy goods vehicles)
Vehicles that were made before 1960 need a valid MOT.
If you're the registered keeper of a vehicle, you can apply to remove a registration number from the vehicle and hold it on a retention document (V778) for 10 years.
You can retain the registration number (in your name or someone else's name) for a cost of £80.
To retain the registration number, the vehicle must be:
- Registered with DVLA
- Available for inspection
- Of a type that needs an MOT test certificate
- A completed V317 application form
- The registration certificate for the vehicle or the new keeper supplement with a completed V62 form
- An MOT test certificate for the vehicle (if applicable)
- The fee, payable by cheque to DVLA
- A completed V10 form; application for a tax disc
- A certificate of insurance or valid cover note.
- The vehicle tax fee
Still confused? Don’t panic, simply call one of our friendly number plate experts on 01952 588888 for more information. We hope to hear from you soon!
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